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P.A.R.A. and Zettelkasten Experiment: My Conclusion

·2 mins

At the beginning of my experiment I intended to write regular updates on what I was getting up to, however I haven’t really done that.

If I had been doing that, here are a few things I retrospectively imagine I would have written about:

  • introducing a Task Management element to accompany the P of PARA
  • migrating to Obsidian and introducing Markor and using it’s QuickNote feature
    • (leading on to “My QuickNote Problem” aka my latest manifestation of Collector’s Fallacy)
  • trying out Daily Notes and habit tracking
  • thinking more deliberately about the type of note I’m taking
  • experimenting with how I use tags
  • starting to create MOCs

I have plenty of rambles and reflections on all of these things in my notes but I haven’t quite nailed down the habit of publishing any of it…

I Migrated to Obsidian

·4 mins

For continuity of my experiment I felt I should mention that I have migrated from Joplin to Obsidian.

In fact, I migrated about 2 months ago now. So, as far as my journey into building a notetaking system is concerned, I’ve been using Obsidian for almost as long as I used Joplin (which was about 3 months).

I haven’t felt like writing a comparison of these apps, as I did when I moved from OneNote to Joplin. But I do want to point out the 2 main reasons I made the switch to Obsidian.

P.A.R.A. and Zettelkasten Experiment

Recently I decided to do something about my notes and notetaking methods.

Up until a few weeks ago, my notes were an increasingly unwieldy pile of .txt files. I was using Slack as a blackhole means of getting the odd link from my phone to my laptop.

It wasn’t great. Notes were seldom revisited. The majority of things put into Slack remained there…