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Hugo Date Operations (osgav epoch)

·1 min

created: 19/01/2019
updated: 25/09/2023

I wanted to make an “osgav epoch” counter thing, and so I did, like so…

<h6>blog archive</h6>
<br />
{{ $pages := (where (where .Site.Pages "Type" "post") "IsPage" true) }}
{{ range first 99 $pages }}
  {{ $t := (time "2016-06-05") }}
  <!-- date of first post -->
  {{ $delta := $t.Sub (time .Date) }}
  {{ $osgav_epoch_negative := int (div $delta.Hours 24) }}
  {{ $osgav_epoch := int (sub 0 $osgav_epoch_negative) }}
  <a href="{{ .Permalink }}">{{ .Date.Format "2006" }} {{[ $osgav_epoch ]}} {{ .Title }} </a>
  <br />
  <!-- .Format string needs to be actual specific date in 2006 -->
  <!-- -->
  <!-- -->
{{ end }}

So 2016-06-05 is date of first post as mentioned, but why is there a 2006 reference at the end?

There is a fun quirk in Hugo (Go) date formatting:

I shared madboa’s sentiment Wacky, eh?